

You might be glad to know that my craving to go Fort Regent was fufilled. And I might have also had a sneaky mcflurry too..oh man.
This picture pretty much sums up today-me and Lois at our best in the photobooth. Cheddar on cheddar, I know.

Speaking of cheddar, valentines day resulted in me watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind in the company of cookies, chocolate and other foods I shouldn't be eating until about 1am.
An evening well spent.

On the bright side, I'm bidding on this bad boy to work off all the shite I've eaten in the past week(s). Pretty excited! Wish me luck, if I don't win this one I'll be heading down the route of possible obesity and the chances of me fitting into my prom dress in July will be pretty slim (see what I did there ;)).

32 days until official summer!
Robyn x