
Happy dayss

I've got a week off school, which means things are at their best despite the coldness and lack of money I have at the moment. Things are going pretty well because...

I finally got some vans YAY
 My collage (result of my weeks of procrastination during exams) is coming along quite nicely if I don't say so myself!
I went to the sand dunes today, you know when you just have an intense craving to go somewhere and you have to go or else you'll be extremely unsatisfied? Example, I've forced my friends to come to Fort Regent with me tomorrow. I don't know what we'll do when we get there but I just really want to go.

Happy valentines day, I know that two people in particular are guranteed to be of popular demand today...Ben & Jerrys anyone? My friend got a rose delivered to her work, cuteee :')

Will update on my attempts to learn to skateboard this week...queue the ambulances.

Robyn x

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