
Turtle Backpack Turtle Spin

As per I’ll begin with apologising for my complete negligence, tumblr’s got a hold of me I’m afraid… (www.furcif3r.tumblr.com)
I’ve not been up to much really, just living the yolo life ofc by myself and with my imaginary cats which will one day probably not be so imaginary.
I’m doing anything I can to not revise right now, which includes pretending to be in S-Club which I do most days whether I’m procrastinating or not to be honest. 
Basically for the past two weekends I’ve stayed in my room only leaving to get food um yeah I have the social life of a potato aw but not even a normal coloured potato like one of those red ones that no one buys.
But we had a girls night at Jess’s where we watched a cinderella story and cried into our ben & jerrys and arranged skittles into a graph and did face masks and were cute yayyy

Oh and um me and Jonny got tattoos, I got an ‘om’ sign on my hip which is used by Hindus and sometimes Buddhists and represents all language, human consciousness and calmness, as well as being the sound of the universe (like when you meditate and say ommmm). Jonny got a Chinese symbol for twins on his chest (he has two younger twin brothers and his sister’s going to get a symbol for twins too on her neck awaw). On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being death Jonny rated the pain a 1 and um I rated it 6. It was like a cat with a well sharp claw ripping through your skin but for sure worth the pain. I know I’m only 16 and some people may think I’m too young but it means a lot to me, and is a way of marking my life at this moment I guess aw cringeorama. When I asked for advice on what to get on ask.com I just got a congregation of raging American Christians throwing cyber bricks at me for being quote “young and dumb”, and for “going against the commandments of Jesus” but I’m afraid sometimes we need to think for ourselves and do what’s in our own interest. At the end of the day it’s just art and I’d definitely get more, society is so prejudice or whatever.

Ripping through my skin yum


Black market maybe

Absoloute badman yh

Whats the verdict? Ciao xx

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