
Something good can work

PASG HAPUS! happy easter in welsh lols it was calling
On Wednesday I finally saw the Hunger Games, was as good as expected but pretty brutal man.  We made a second trip to the cinema at on Saturday morning looking mega sketchy in a line full of 5 year olds to see the pound movie, but apparently if you're 16 you're too old to see Alvin and the Chipmunks WHAT IS HAPPENING? Walk of shame out the cinema

Had a well bangin' time at Jess's yesterday though, bet her dog loves it when we come over.

Yesterday made me realise how much I miss Jenny, she's gone skiing for the whole of the holidays and left us here. I think we may have done a toast in your honour yesterday Jenny WE MISS YOU ♥

PS the head of my bunny is gone despite it being 10am and that's enough chocolate for me ever, easter eggs aren't all they cracked up to be..okay I'll just leave now, my jokes are never appreciated ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1 comment:

  1. Awwww robyn... you are the cutest <3 from McDowe :) xxxxx
