BLOG HEADER, YAY OR NAY? ANTHING WAS AN IMPROVEMENT COMPARED TO MY LAST CREATION ON PAINT. SORRY AM I TALKING A BIT LOUD? IT'S OKAY I'LL TURN THE CAPS LO...oh wait, my new* phone will only write in caps lock. Even when I change the setting to lower case it changes back again, help please? I decided to swap my phone with internet to a brick so I won't go on Facebook/Twitter non-stop so I can maybe get some work done in the holidays. I'll just mention as well as it having a few Hello Kitty stickers placed here and there, it also has an aerial. Moving on..
*new as in passed from mum to granny to me
Mum's birthday aw bangin' cake btw |
Nice wan Jonathon |
Liquorice+toes? |
Uncomfortable x1000, for Ella's project. Ngl looks like I'm in agony |
Being the utter mong I am I forgot to bring my camera to Mairead's yesterday uhhh, oh yeah 36 hours without sleep it was definatley the sketchy looking german energy tablets without a doubt.
Tomorrow is the
Eclectic Ladie's Boutique fashion show at Liberty Wharf, I went last year and was not disappointed! Got my prom dress early after seeing it in the show :-))
Lastly have a listen to
Pikasso, Sam's German student visitor person's band, have to take my hat off to them singing in English, pretty good.
x x
amazing cake! x