
Blue lips

Hey study leave you've sure taken your time, 10 beautiful exams and not enough time
A lot of the time stuff doesn't actually fully sink in to my brain and everything just happens so fast and I'm just here with one and a half socks on like YOLO which is basically the only word in my vocabulary. It's not hit that some people are leaving my school forever, wtf man come back already? It's also not properly functioned that I've got a tattoo forever how did that even happen! It also didn't occur to me that when searching desperately for conversation I jumped at the chance to mention my love for cats; when you've had a few everything seems like a good idea.
Speaking of cats Jenny and Mairead's birthday party was asdfghjklbloodybrilliant, literally one of the best days I've ever had
mair + jenny

think this is my calling


ah mann xx

paro caro

this wasn't even everyone man

You can tell it's a good one with like 70% photos and 3% writing why am i so good at maths
PS I'm no longer taking cats to prom :D 

x x


Turtle Backpack Turtle Spin

As per I’ll begin with apologising for my complete negligence, tumblr’s got a hold of me I’m afraid… (www.furcif3r.tumblr.com)
I’ve not been up to much really, just living the yolo life ofc by myself and with my imaginary cats which will one day probably not be so imaginary.
I’m doing anything I can to not revise right now, which includes pretending to be in S-Club which I do most days whether I’m procrastinating or not to be honest. 
Basically for the past two weekends I’ve stayed in my room only leaving to get food um yeah I have the social life of a potato aw but not even a normal coloured potato like one of those red ones that no one buys.
But we had a girls night at Jess’s where we watched a cinderella story and cried into our ben & jerrys and arranged skittles into a graph and did face masks and were cute yayyy

Oh and um me and Jonny got tattoos, I got an ‘om’ sign on my hip which is used by Hindus and sometimes Buddhists and represents all language, human consciousness and calmness, as well as being the sound of the universe (like when you meditate and say ommmm). Jonny got a Chinese symbol for twins on his chest (he has two younger twin brothers and his sister’s going to get a symbol for twins too on her neck awaw). On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being death Jonny rated the pain a 1 and um I rated it 6. It was like a cat with a well sharp claw ripping through your skin but for sure worth the pain. I know I’m only 16 and some people may think I’m too young but it means a lot to me, and is a way of marking my life at this moment I guess aw cringeorama. When I asked for advice on what to get on ask.com I just got a congregation of raging American Christians throwing cyber bricks at me for being quote “young and dumb”, and for “going against the commandments of Jesus” but I’m afraid sometimes we need to think for ourselves and do what’s in our own interest. At the end of the day it’s just art and I’d definitely get more, society is so prejudice or whatever.

Ripping through my skin yum


Black market maybe

Absoloute badman yh

Whats the verdict? Ciao xx



I'm going to be a boring shit and spew my thoughts out for the lols because if I write things down I find them easier to processsss
I've learnt a few thing from the past few days which I thought might be of use to any big time contemplaters, I've only got 16 years of life experience to back me up here but I've come to a brief analysis of my thoughts and stuff, cheddar on cheddar ikr. Excuse my bad wording of things English has never been my strong point.

1. You will never know what's going to happen until it happens, so don't worry too much about what will or won't be until you need to
2. Don't spend your days regretting what you've not done, because if it's happened and there's not a lot that can be changed you need to accept that and...
3....make sure you grasp every future opportunity. Never let good possibilities pass because time goes way too quickly
4. Try not to dwell on the past too much if something's getting you down, think of all the good times you've ever had and...
5....remember them by taking LOTS of pictures, they last forever and are the best material things in life by far
6. Love people and just have a bangin' tarme, do everything you want to do cos yolo and you want to look back on all these mega things you've done
7. A bit of positivity always goes down well, if you fall get back up again because the view's brill from up here rn

That's literally it, thank you thank you I'm here all week muthaz x x

omfg i need to get out more


Feral Child

I actually never want the holidays to be over lol  c r i n g e  but srsly I've had such a good two weeks but basically no revision so I may as well leave society now and become a feral child because I'd like that a lot more. However since I've been a vegetarian for a week now (except I accidently had some percy pigs despite the name failing to prompt me to realising they contain genuine pig, shameful M&S) I think it'd be a struggle surviving on only leaves in the wild, so I might just pass up that opportunity.
I wish I could make this sound cooler, but we played quasar on Tuesday night lol and yesterday had a cute breakfast for Mairead's birthday (excuse the picture heaviness but my photo to words ratio is always biased, photos say more than writing to me):

Jakob is such an interesting creature aw

I lyk this 1

Wearing Jakob's glasses I could easily pass for something out of Harry Potter but lol

Libby who's practically my only cousin on my mum's side and who I've only met once before is over for a few days so we're going to have a bangin' time catching up on all the years we've missed out on. The whole crew went out for dinner yesterday aw we were like one of those massive annoying families being mega loud and cheating on the pub quiz but yolo ya
x x


Something good can work

PASG HAPUS! happy easter in welsh lols it was calling
On Wednesday I finally saw the Hunger Games, was as good as expected but pretty brutal man.  We made a second trip to the cinema at on Saturday morning looking mega sketchy in a line full of 5 year olds to see the pound movie, but apparently if you're 16 you're too old to see Alvin and the Chipmunks WHAT IS HAPPENING? Walk of shame out the cinema

Had a well bangin' time at Jess's yesterday though, bet her dog loves it when we come over.

Yesterday made me realise how much I miss Jenny, she's gone skiing for the whole of the holidays and left us here. I think we may have done a toast in your honour yesterday Jenny WE MISS YOU ♥

PS the head of my bunny is gone despite it being 10am and that's enough chocolate for me ever, easter eggs aren't all they cracked up to be..okay I'll just leave now, my jokes are never appreciated ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hot weather >

BLOG HEADER, YAY OR NAY? ANTHING WAS AN IMPROVEMENT COMPARED TO MY LAST CREATION ON PAINT. SORRY AM I TALKING A BIT LOUD? IT'S OKAY I'LL TURN THE CAPS LO...oh wait, my new* phone will only write in caps lock. Even when I change the setting to lower case it changes back again, help please? I decided to swap my phone with internet to a brick so I won't go on Facebook/Twitter non-stop so I can maybe get some work done in the holidays. I'll just mention as well as it having a few Hello Kitty stickers placed here and there, it also has an aerial. Moving on..

*new as in passed from mum to granny to me

Mum's birthday aw bangin' cake btw

Nice wan Jonathon


Uncomfortable x1000, for Ella's project. Ngl looks like I'm in agony
Being the utter mong I am I forgot to bring my camera to Mairead's yesterday uhhh, oh yeah 36 hours without sleep it was definatley the sketchy looking german energy tablets without a doubt.

Tomorrow is the Eclectic Ladie's Boutique fashion show at Liberty Wharf, I went last year and was not disappointed! Got my prom dress early after seeing it in the show :-))

Lastly have a listen to Pikasso, Sam's German student visitor person's band, have to take my hat off to them singing in English, pretty good.

x x



I feel as if I can't write anything even midly entertaining/witty/worth any lols whatsoever, maybe because I'm on the verge of going into some state of insanity with this ridiculous illness I've had for five days and haven't seen my friends at all AT ALL. I feel like pure and utter shit.
The only plus side of being off school is Jeremy Kyle and Loose Women, which makes me think that to leave school at 16 and have no job and probably just live of benefits of whatever wouldn't be so bad.

I want someone at my beck and call with smoothies and chocolate and lucozade and ice cream, any offers let me know please, I'll repay you in a karaoke performance of Bon Jovi or something.

So basically over the past five days the most exciting thing that's happend to me is M.I.A retweeted me gfuiwhbgibrfinearlycried.

Mega small, click to see the proudest moment of my twitter life YA

Because of my current death like state I think it's highly unlikely I'll be able to go to school in my totally bangin' sports relief outfit, or go to my friends party which I was planning on wearing a tiger kigu to, my life is officially shit and over if I don't recover over night.
This was me before I caught the plague, enthusiasm in sports wear.
If anyone has any tips or remedies to make me feel less poo like they'd be much appreciated.

Robyn x

PS, I won't be suprised if you don't ever want to hear from me again after the sweatband photo


Skippin' Town

Someone should invent a greeting better than hey and less embarassing than hey home dogz please.
<<enter excuses for lack of blogging here>> ..basically I'm just really slack okay.
My friend had this totally cool party the other day for her 16th, hiring out a VW getting our hair done and having a photoshoot, standard. The hairdressers were for sure bitching about my matted and generally minging hair, and I felt mega sorry for the boy who had to wash it.
Also I went to see the Queen on Monday, she's well small in real life lol. Spent the day running riot around London with year 7 and 8's and being all touristy and stuff, lets just leave it at that.

I've been trying this new thing on weekdays where I go to sleep at 8pm and wake up at 4.30am, do my homework then go to school, it's the way forward I'm telling you. Only 25 school days left until study leave I believe! (rhyming unintended, cringee.)
That's all for now, lacking in inspiration and personality need lucozade tablets or similar
PS don't try glaceau vitamin water fruit punch flavour it's bloody disgusting



...is such a good word WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME

Okay so I might be a little bit addicted to twitter (follow me cos i'm worf it and that, pepper_95), and that's about as exciting as my life's got recently. Oh, and I got my A-Level options; History, French, Pyschology and Spanish bring it.

I think just about everyone is wanting some summer really bad now. Me mostly for:
  • Sea
  • Being brown
  • Wearing half decent clothes
  • Ice cream :p
  • Not having exams
  • Belly button pierced, ouch
  • Seeing ma palz (if they want to still be my palz after spelling palz like that)
  • Lightness and not having too much darkness
  • Hotness, the sun in general
  • Being able to do whatever the frig I want 
  • Going to Spain with Jess lol, well keen
  • Taking well loads of pictures 
  • Oh and Jersey Live will hopefully be cool too 
 (hopefully doing mine blonde)

In the meantime I'll just have loads of fun doing school work and going to school and revising and eating shite and jogging to work off the shite, which reminds me I gave up chocolate for lent which minimises the eating shite part.

I have to recommend this video and song, alot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzyzP5upKMY&ob=av2e check it out or maybe just don't, but I think you should.

Hibernating until about May-ish,
Robyn x



You might be glad to know that my craving to go Fort Regent was fufilled. And I might have also had a sneaky mcflurry too..oh man.
This picture pretty much sums up today-me and Lois at our best in the photobooth. Cheddar on cheddar, I know.

Speaking of cheddar, valentines day resulted in me watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind in the company of cookies, chocolate and other foods I shouldn't be eating until about 1am.
An evening well spent.

On the bright side, I'm bidding on this bad boy to work off all the shite I've eaten in the past week(s). Pretty excited! Wish me luck, if I don't win this one I'll be heading down the route of possible obesity and the chances of me fitting into my prom dress in July will be pretty slim (see what I did there ;)).

32 days until official summer!
Robyn x


Happy dayss

I've got a week off school, which means things are at their best despite the coldness and lack of money I have at the moment. Things are going pretty well because...

I finally got some vans YAY
 My collage (result of my weeks of procrastination during exams) is coming along quite nicely if I don't say so myself!
I went to the sand dunes today, you know when you just have an intense craving to go somewhere and you have to go or else you'll be extremely unsatisfied? Example, I've forced my friends to come to Fort Regent with me tomorrow. I don't know what we'll do when we get there but I just really want to go.

Happy valentines day, I know that two people in particular are guranteed to be of popular demand today...Ben & Jerrys anyone? My friend got a rose delivered to her work, cuteee :')

Will update on my attempts to learn to skateboard this week...queue the ambulances.

Robyn x